Spor oncesi veya sonrasi enerjinizin tukendiginde, yada sadece caninizin cikolata yada tatli birseyler cektiginde guvenle tuketebileceginiz mini mini enerji toplari :) kisa sure icinde pisirmeden hazirlanan bu toplardan spora gitmeden 2-3 adet tuketip oyle gidiyorum.. Bana inanilmaz enerji veriyorlar:) bihter cikolata , organik fistik ezmesi, chia cekirdegi, kabak cekirdegi ici ve fazlasi.. iste tarifi:
100 gr bihter cikolata ( koyu cikolata)
2 yemek kasigi fistik ezmesi
1 yemek kasigi badem parcaciklari
1 yemek kasigi kabak cekirdegi ici
1 yemek kasigi chia cekirdegi
1 bardak yulaf ezmesi,
1 yemek kasigi goji berry
toplarimizi bulamak icin , hindistan cevizi tozu, organik kakao tozu,goji berry tozu( ben blender den gecirdim), .
Cikolatanizi mikronuzda yada sicak su yardimiyla eritin.Kabiniza fistik ezmesi , erimis cikolatanizi, ve diger tum malzemelerinizi ekleyip guzelce karistirin. koyu bir kivamaldiktan sonra 5 dakika kadar buzdolabinda tutun.( yuvarlamasi kolay oluyor) Video da gosterdigim gibi kasik yardimiyla kucuk toplarimizi kakao tozu , hindistan cevizi yada goji berry tozunda yuvarliyip kucuk toplar elde ediyoruz.. Bir sure buzdolabinda dinlendirdirken sonra servise hazir.( yemeden once oda sicakliginda cikarmaniz daha makbuldur)
Pre or post workout energizer? Or maybe you just love candy but are trying to eat a little healthier? Gotcha covered! or post workout energizer? Or maybe you just love candy but are trying to eat a little healthier? Gotcha covered!
These easy no-bake protein balls combine the goodness of oats, with smooth creamy dark chocolate and some crunchy & sweetness from peanut butter, pumkin seeds and more.. You won’t have to spend forever in the kitchen either, these little balls of healthy goodness come together in about 15 min. Hier is recipe:
100 gr dark chocolate chips
2 tablespoon organic peanut butter
1 tablespoon chopped almond
1 tablespoon pumkin seeds
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 cup crunchy or oats
1 tablespoon chopped goji berry
flaked coconut, chopped goji berry, unsweetened organic cocoa powder, to roll the finished protein balls in if desired.
in a medium size microwave safe bowl, add chocolate chips for 40-45 second.Stir chips they will continue melting as you stir. Add phenut butter, and all dry ingredients.Continue to stir until fully combined.Refrigerate for 5 minutes (it's easier to roll the balls when the mixture is a little chilled) Use your hands to form one inc balls.If desired put coconut flakes ,unsweetened cocoa powder or chopped goji berry on a small plate and roll the protein ball to coat the ball.Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator, or the freezer. Best if you bring to room temperature before eating..